
Материал из campus.mephi.ru

Версия от 16:30, 23 марта 2013; Cone8willow (Обсуждение | вклад)
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Bring a friend over and have them help rearrange your house and belongings so that you can easily reach things without irritating your rheumatoid arthritis. Flare ups can make it hard to pick things up or reach them, so be sure to keep the most important items close at hand.

Getting a good amount of exercise should help you control your arthritis; however, you need to be aware of the type of exercises you do. There are some forms of exercise that cause too much wear and tear on arthritic joints. Good options for healthy exercise would be swimming, walking or bicycling. Avoid sports, such as tennis, that will stress the joints in your hands and wrists.

Get the right kind and amount of exercise. Exercise will help you stay healthy and fit, and also increase your flexibility. Low impact exercising will stop your joints from becoming inflamed, but it's important not to overdo it. If anything is painful, stop immediately.

Maintain appropriate posture every time. Your posture affects your arthritis symptoms more than any other factor--even your diet or exercise plan isn't as important as your posture. Be sure to sit up straight, and place your feet one foot apart when standing for proper balance. If you maintain good posture, it helps reduce the stress on your joints, which then reduces your pain.

Sleep is essential if you have arthritis. Take breaks and relax your mind every chance you get to ease joint pain. Spending too much time resting will cause your joints to deteriorate. It's important to hit a balance between sleep and rest for just the right active lifestyle that will reduce your arthritis pain.

The best thing to do is make others around you aware that you have arthritis. Tell them about arthritis and what effect it has on your life. Arthritis can make you cranky, frustrated, anxious and sometimes act like a different person. Others should be informed about this so they aren't confused when it happens. Do them and yourself a favor by letting them know, because when they understand your situation, they will be understanding towards you.

You should avoid exercise when having flare-ups from your arthritis. Normally exercise is beneficial and helps combat arthritis symptoms. The purpose of exercise is to keep joints flexible and healthy, not to deal with arthritis pain when it occurs. It is better to skip the workout when your joints are aching excessively, and movement is painful.

Always be sure that you are really dealing with arthritis before treating your pain like arthritis. You're only wasting money and time if you treat your pain as arthritis but really have another condition.

Stop using cigarettes if you want to reduce the pain and inflammation that commonly comes with arthritis. Research has shown that smokers tend to have more problems with their joints as well as more pain related to arthritis than their nonsmoking counterparts. If you do smoke, seriously think about quitting to help with your symptoms. Ask your doctor about patches or other methods to help you quit smoking.

Women suffering with arthritis should avoid wearing high heels. High heels look nice but they are horrible for your feet. They can really strain your knees and worsen arthritis symptoms. You can keep you arthritic pain at a minimum by wearing comfortable shoes.