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Look for signs of erosion near downspouts or areas under roof runoff. Check during a rainstorm to be sure that the water does not run back towards the house and that there is no ponding (puddles) near your foundation.

Sprinkler System - If the yard has a sprinkler system, turn it on if possible and see that the sprinklers are working, that the water pressure appears adequate.

Walks & Driveways - Look to see that walks, steps, terraces, driveways and pavers are not cracked, uneven, do not retain water when it rains, and that they appear to be in good condition.

Grass - Check the grass for large dead spots or yellowing areas that could indicate problems if there is an underground septic field.

Siding - check to see that the outside walls are free of nicks and splits, that any holes through the outside for pipes or wires have been neatly closed with caulking, flashing or other sealing materials.

Windows & Doors - check that windows and doors appear to be in good condition and that they open and close smoothly. Understand whether the windows are single panes of glass (in older homes) or are a sealed two-pane system in newer homes. If the home has an insulated glass system, check to be sure that there is no moisture between the two panes, as this could indicate a broken seal. If the windows are a single pane, ask whether there are storm windows and screens for them. Windows in poor condition can cause significant air leakage into the house and can be expensive to replace, especially if they are not standard sizes.

Roofs - visually inspect the roof (from below) for missing shingles, ridge vents, apparent waviness, gutter conditions (are plants growing out of the gutters - a sign of lack of cleaning and maintenance).

Water & Sewers - Is the home hooked up to city water & sewer or does it have either a well and/or a septic field? 


Hot water heater, furnace - ask for age, repair/maintenance records, warranties and just check appearance

Electrical - what amperage is the panel box? Will it need to be upgraded to meet your requirements? Is there cable already installed and internet wired throughout the house? What condition is the wiring in the walls? (Much of this requires a professional evaluation). But you can turn on and off all light switches to make sure they are working and try all electrical outlets.

Heating & Air Conditioning - Understand what kind of system the home has. Is it gas or oil? Is there an underground oil tank? If there is an underground tank, you want to be very sure that it is in good condition, as you could be responsible for major cleanup expenses if the tank has leaked into the ground. Are there radiators or a central hot air heating system with outlets in each room? Does the home have central air or are there units in each room? If there are units in each room, how old are they and will they need to be replaced? Turn on the heat and/or air conditioning (if applicable) and leave on for a while, check and make sure all radiators or vents are working.


Ceilings - Look up at the ceilings and look for signs of leaks from the roof or bathrooms above.