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The Nice, The Bad and Hip Hop

As with hip hop music, different dances can relate to up-tempo or relaxed music. With a few basic moves, it is possible to hip hop dance with a girl. What is hip hop? Hip hop is the combination of all three of the above mentioned facets. Rapping, break dancing and graffiti art are all equal forms of the hip hop movement. Some may argue the message that some hip hop sends but the fact that these men and women are artists is not even debatable. Hip hop is a music genre and a dance style.

Read on to know more about the history of hip hop. Get your hip hop party started with a hip hop party music mix CD that will make the crowd go wild. Take your guests back in the day with old school hip hop then get them jamming on the dance floor with some of today's hottest hits. Hip Hop dance lessons! Learn how to do the bent back shoulder move in this free video clip about easy hip hop dance moves. Practice hip hop dancing at home before hitting the clubs. Learn about hip hop dance moves and steps in this free video lesson from a choreographer.

Hip hop music has long since surfaced from being an underground movement. The genre, which is a major player on the worldwide popular music scene, has gone through many transformations to become as diverse as any other type of music. Over the years since the birth of hip hop and rap, the music has taken on many different forms and lots of different names. Some of the best known types of hip hop are easily recognizable today by hip hop fans. One of the best things about hip hop dance clothing ideas is that you may already have traditional hip hop clothing items around your home.

Hip hop dancers wear baggy, loose-fitting clothing that has urban flair. Choose clothing that is easy to move around in and that you already have on hand that you can jazz up to make it look like hip hop dance clothing. Learn how to warm up for hip hop dancing with head and neck isolation exercises in this free hip hop dance video. Dancing hip hop can be tough! Get tips for moving your chest to hip-hop music in this free video clip from professional hip hop dance choreographer. Want new hip hop dancing steps? A little bling never hurt anyone!

Hip Hop dance lessons! Learn how to circle your head vertically in this free video clip about easy hip hop dance moves. Learn how to warm up for hip hop dancing with chest pops and shoulder isolations exercises in this free hip hop dance video. Hip hop is only about 40 years old. Break dance is one earlier form of hip hop dance that's still popular today. It's helpful for dancers who are interested in learning hip hop dance to study other forms of dance as well including break dance and jazz dance. Here is more on that!

Many dance camps also offer hip hop in their curriculum, and school dance programs often have hip hop teams that perform at school functions and can compete in local, regional, state and national competitions. Kids can also learn hip hop through videos and DVDs that… Hip hop lyrics most often cover three different topics. They are cars, fashion, and beverages. Cars are considered a status symbol for most hip hops. Mercedes is considered the classic car of hip hops. Fashion has earned much reputation with hip hop culture. Hip hop clothing and jewelry are very popular.