My Look at Video Games of Currently

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Since I could move on at length about this topic, this could be divided into 1 to 3 more articles on the same topic. I feel like cutting right to the subject now. If You recall appropriately, ultimate companies are likely to not only be considered a overview of anything You have done up to now, but are designed to be the Final Obstacle in Your way from beating the game. But, why are numerous Final bosses defeatable in under a moment, and not only that, usually it requires little effort on the behalf of any decently qualified participant? I believe I understand why this obviously may be the case. And I've reason to think that Prominent People in power want to change people into animals (I mean such as the dogs a number of You people currently own, for anyone whom have animals in Your house) so they are easily controllable and simply feasible. The video games that said people play need to be significantly simpler to beat, since nobody likes a casino game that they companies that they can not beat, since the typical intelligence of people goes down quickly. Needless to say this also implies that it's significantly more straightforward to bring people into a with music and graphics alone.For example, one of many games I presently enjoy, X-Men Legends II, the enemies are a complete joke. I got really happy and got some +damage gear for my principal character, and now, regular foes die in 1 struck (Yes, basically), chief sorts die in 1-3 visits (Usually only 2) and bosses (Even work zone bosses, standard bosses getting decimated much faster )literally die within just 30 seconds (Obviously, somewhat longer if they have invulnerability glasses that they use mid-battle). It is not like the bosses were even hard in the first place. Oh, and in this game, I'm presently only in Act 4, but I am level 44 (Was 1-hitting issues mid Act 3 truly). Severely, since when did anyone allow individuals to quickly breeze through conventional games like this?Want to know what's much more fun? Utilizing the appropriate group of skills/powers, You can do some simply game-breaking feats (One key case is in Kingdom Hearts II, where You can abuse Magenta and the Knowledge Boost against swarms of Rapid Thrusters (Really weak opponents) to get completely around stage 99 (And this likely only requires an hour or two at most ).This ends part 1.