Understanding How To Properly Use Your Iphone

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The iPhone is one fine-tuned piece of technology. It has so many apps that allow you to do a variety of things, and a smooth interface. The iPhone can be optimized to do so many things. The following article will reveal some great tips for mastering all that the iPhone has to offer.

Save your valuable battery power by lowering the brightness on your iPhone. Go to the settings area on your phone and reduce the brightness level. This helps to limit the charge imposed on your battery and keep it at full, which can be very handy.

In order to choose to make an email stay marked as unread, you have to locate the command because it's not visible. Find 'Details' on your iPhone menu and click on the unread tag for email. When you return to your email it will be marked as unread.

Whenever you drop your iPhone into water, which is very possible to eventually happen, do not turn it on immediately to see if it is okay. Instead, do you best to dry the outside of the phone, and then allow the phone dry out overnight in a bowl of uncooked white rice. If you turn on the phone while it's wet, you can permanently destroy it by short circuiting it.

Double tap on your space bar when you have finished each sentence on your iPhone. That will cause a period and additional space to be automatically added. This is quicker because you do not have to switch to the numerical keyboard.

opal stone If you have a habit of dropping phones, be sure to purchase a case for your iPhone. Your iPhone will break if you drop it when it's not in its case. A case can't protect your phone from every danger, but keeping it in one will reduce the chance that it will be damaged or destroyed.
 The iPhone lets you come up with your very own shortcuts and dictionary. When you use this, your phone knows exactly what you are trying to change. It is also simple to program the phone to add in shortcuts and additional phrases. This will allow the iPhone to autocorrect phrases as you type.

You do not have to hit the "X" button at the end of each word that the AutoCorrect feature is trying to correct for you. Rather, just tap any portion of the screen. The suggestion box will close.

In order to get access to your email messages quickly, hook your accounts up to your iPhone. It's frequently convenient to view emails as they come into your inbox rather than waiting to view all the emails you receive during the day. It is possible to link multiple accounts or a single one.

 It's easy to change the bottom display icons while you're listening to music. Just tap 'settings' and then choose to 'add more icons'. Create your own icons to access your favorite albums, artists, genres or songs and feel free to update these icons as you add more music to your iPhone.
 Most iPhone users take a lot of photographs. It can be hard to sort through pictures after taking them. The iPhone has a built in album area that helps to easily organize your photos and makes them easy to locate. It will be easy to locate that needed shot when you do this.

As mentioned, your iPhone is not just a regular phone, and it has a number of great features. You may be surprised at what your iPhone is capable of. If you want to use your iPhone to its fullest potential, put these tips into practice!